from idea to iconic

Early partners of remarkable teams building companies that matter.

We help realise rare potential

How we partner from seed to IPO and beyond.


Who we are.

At Clifford Aston Capital Partners, our mission is to help realise rare potential. To do this well, we believe it’s essential to be trusted partners to entrepreneurs at every stage — from idea to IPO.

The entrepreneurs we back have the vision to build something huge that hasn’t existed before. They are paranoid about what could go wrong — but are obsessed with what can go right. They are mission-driven, intellectually honest and infinite learners. They have raw ambition, bravery, and grit. They don’t give up, ever. And they are unique in their ability to lead and inspire others to join their journey.

We understand the entrepreneur’s journey; most of us have been down that road. We love to dig in early to help entrepreneurs build important, valuable companies. It’s why we love what we do, and why we are always looking for the next team with rare potential.

How we invest.

We focus on enterprise, consumer, and crypto software at Seed and Series A, and also make new company investments in Series B and beyond. We support entrepreneurs throughout their journey from idea to IPO and onwards.

We focus on enterprise, consumer, and crypto software at Seed and Series A, and also make new company investments in Series B and beyond. We support entrepreneurs throughout their journey from idea to IPO and onwards.


We get involved when companies are just getting started. We have incubated market-defining companies and often work with a founder and their very first employees. Today we have active seed-stage teams working out of our offices, building what we believe could become the next outlier companies. Many of our seed investments have later become the most successful companies we’ve backed.

Series A

We are active board directors for companies with strong founding teams and powerful ideas. These companies are targeting large existing markets or strategic new markets.

Series B and Beyond

We back companies that are further along in their journey. Our fund size and decades of experience in company scaling allows us to help accelerate company building at this stage in a meaningful way.

How we work.

We are a small, integrated, high-calibre team. We bring more than just capital; we bring differentiated domain knowledge, access, thoughtful deliberation and company building to the companies we back.

The hallmarks of a Clifford Aston partnership are an ingrained part of our working culture. We back talented ambitious founders in the most promising markets. We are engaged, active, high-impact board members who are committed to excellence and always available to leadership teams. Founders also get the benefits of our specialist teams who actively help companies with customer development, executive talent, technical talent and marketing. Our entire partnership structure and incentives are strongly aligned with the success of the companies in which we invest.

But don’t just take our word for it. We encourage entrepreneurs to talk to others who have worked with us and hear what they have to say about Clifford Aston Capital Partners.

Our values.

If you see us as just a funding option, then there are a lot of places you could consider. But if you share our values and perspective on partnership, we’d love to connect.

If you see us as just a funding option, then there are a lot of places you could consider. But if you share our values and perspective on partnership, we’d love to connect.

Play to Win

We are fiercely competitive and are driven to help build the market-defining companies of each generation.

Be Rigorous

We believe in the power of intellectual honesty and independent thinking to help reach the right decisions. We push entrepreneurs to build great companies and help them with the hard choices along the way.

Earn Trust

We believe being a good partner is always valuable, but not always easy. This means being accountable to each other and acting collaboratively. Our highest priority is to be a trusted partner of the companies we work with.

Prioritise Relationships

We believe reputation means everything. It is hard to achieve, is easy to lose, and must be earned every day. Sometimes, reputation is best earned in troubled investments, not just those that go straight up. We take the long view and the high road.

Our mission is to help realise rare potential.


Contact Us

To be considered for funding, please email a full business plan to
Job seekers interested in positions within our portfolio companies are encouraged to join our Talent Network or email

For all media enquiries, please email